Regardless of how much the traditional medicine wants to negate the severity of Lyme Disease in the US and in the world, this vector borne infection is rapidly spreading all over the world and it is about to cause a pandemic. The worse is not only getting bit or being sick, but the many years trying to know what is causing such myriad of symptoms, finding tests that can help to get a proper diagnoses and then a doctor who is WILLING and knowledgeable enough to properly treat.

Laboratory medicine needs to improve to help make accurate diagnoses, which then will help to determine better treatments. The terrible problem at this time is that the main tests established in the guidelines made by IDSA and enforced by CDC do not detect all the multiple infections and, most of the time, fail to even see the infection resulting in false negatives. An Elisa test provides only 30% sensitivity and the traditional Western Blot is not much better either. Those tests were taken from a model to treat HIV and are not accurate for Lyme Disease.

Doctor Armin Schwarzbach has specialized in Lyme Disease, and he is a medical laboratorist that knows labs tests with all the pros and cons. Dr Schwarzbach insists in saying that Lyme Disease requires a clinical diagnosis, but in the US the doctors only base their diagnosis in the results obtained from the Elisa or the Western blot test, which in most cases provide false results. Dr Schwarzbach is very clear in his explanations of what tests to use and his laboratory based in Germany provides important alternatives to test for Lyme Disease and many other infections derived from the tick bite.

Here you can see the first part of the last interview we made to Doctor Schwarzbach. He has always been available for us to interview him, and we have no commercial relations so this is not an infomercial. It is just the result of a journalistic interview made with the interest of helping others to learn, and made especially with the hopes of educating doctors about proper testing for Lyme Disease and its co-infections.

Note: Dr Schwarzbach says many interesting things in this interview, but some to note: 1st, that the guidelines established that antigen testing is the primary way to detect the infection with the bacteria Borrelia Bugdorferi, but if the person receives Doxycycline first, before the test, the result could be a false negative because Doxycycline inhibits the antigen response of the immune system. (This is huge!). Second, the traditional medicine does not want to accept that chronic Lyme Disease is real, but Armin Labs has a test that can see if there are persister bacteria which are intracellular. By detecting these bacteria, the labs prove the possibility of having chronic Lyme Disease. (Another huge point very important in current medicine).

So, here is the interview. This is the first part. Will bring the second part soon, God willing!

This interview was made to Dr. Armin Schwarzbach M.D., PhD., LLMD in Orlando, Florida, by María Patricia Juan Rodríguez producer of LymeVlog.

Okay people, here is PART 2, of the interview to Dr Armin Schwarzbach M.D., PhD., LLMD in Orlando, Florida, by LymeVlog. This part has an interesting part where Dr. Schwarzbach sends a message to other Doctors so they learn about Lyme Disease. And there is a very special response where Dr Schwarzbach sends a great message to patients and people with Lyme Disease. We hope you like it, and remember to subscribe to this blog and to the Youtube Channel so when we post new videos you receive the notification. It is not for us to do money, because we don’t.. so here is the video

This is the interview Part 2.

As you guys can see, there are doctors who really want to help the Lyme Disease community. Dr. Schwarzbach found about Lyme Disease in a very unexpected way, but thank God he trusted his labs and the patient. We can count on Doctors who really want to make a difference in the world and we can tell who they are because they believe in what we say. Yes there is sick people who sometimes make up symptoms, but because of them the medical community cannot deny chronic Lyme Disease and say it is not real. If you watch the video Dr Schwarzbach has a test in his laboratory that can detect the bacteria when it is hiding in the cells, it is called persister bacteria, or when it goes intracellular. Having this test is a way of proving to the medical community and the world, that Chronic Lyme is real, because the patient is not making it up, but the bacteria is hiding inside the cells and the regular antibiotics, especially the Doxycycline, are not eradicating these bacteria that is damaging the cells, the nerves, the muscles, the organs and even the brain of the person. It is time that Doctors like Schwarzbach are heard and patients are treated fairly. We deserve proper diagnosis and proper care.